Does austin have electric bikes?

Gazelle Bikes is here to help you get around the city with more fun and less effort on an electric bike in Austin. Inclusion in this directory does not represent approval by Austin Energy of any product, person or company. No work is guaranteed or any express or implied warranty is provided, and Austin Energy does not guarantee the quality, cost, or effectiveness of the products provided or of the work performed by the contractor, employees, or subcontractors. All qualifying E-Ride vehicle purchases must be made through a participating Austin Energy dealer in order to receive a refund.

Austin Energy reserves the right to perform a one-time verification to confirm the authenticity of the purchase. Austin Energy offers discounts to individual customers who qualify to purchase an electric bicycle, scooter, moped, motorcycle, or any other two- or three-wheeled electric vehicle that meets the requirements. To become a participating Austin Energy dealer, you must be an Austin Energy electric service customer and your dealer must have a exclusive local store in Austin.

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